30 March 2008
Help me, mothers of boys!
29 March 2008
Gramps update
28 March 2008
Prayers for Grampy, please?

27 March 2008
Deluxe dinner...sorta
- The chicken-fried steak with beef I found on mark-down yesterday wasn't really tender like it should be.
- The gravy wasn't very smooth and there wasn't enough of it. (Gravy scarcity is difficult for a McClure girl to handle. I may have cried.)
- The mashed potatoes were really good, but not very hot.
- The crust on the homemade apple pie was lovely on the outside, but turned to mush on the bottom.
- I forgot the green beans.
26 March 2008
Beef that won't kill us
We haven't cooked with it yet, but I will post my impressions when we do. My sistah, Kali, the Hereford-lover is doubtful, I think, that we will appreciate it. But I think our arteries will appreciate will and they are our primary concern just now.
25 March 2008
Hip, hip HOORAY!!
Truly magnificent beauty tips
Ann has reminded me of what true beauty is. Armed with this lovely article and this follow-up and a tub of Eucerin, I will use her wise prescription.
I do disagree with her on one count though. She is extraordinarily beautiful. I don't know how, empirically, anyone could say otherwise and spiritually, she is just... radiant.
My little enabler
Her brother has developed an affinity for washable crayons. He gnaws on them. And despite my best efforts to keep them locked away, the last few days, he has emerged from Annalivia's room proudly holding a crayon with little bits of purple or green or red around his mouth and a tongue that is markedly NOT its normal color.
Upon seeing his stained face, Annalivia will disappear into the bathroom and shortly reappear with a sopping-wet washcloth she will use to wipe up his face as he squirms around and she says things like, "Oooooh, dahlink! I must wash your face, dahlink." (a la Miss Lily on Angelina Ballerina)
Today, I wondered aloud to Daniel, "How are you finding these things, Daniel?"
Annalivia answered, "I GAVE it to him!"
I asked her why she did that.
"I wanted to wash his face," she said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
So helpful.
24 March 2008
News bulletin -- tech-impaired moron learns how to read blogs
Easter debrief before moving on
23 March 2008
20 March 2008
More on CVS...
Here are some great links on the CVS Extra Care Bucks Program.
A great intro is here. An article titled CVS 101 has more detailed info. There's even more info here, Making CVS Work for You.
Let's celebrate the first day of spring with... um.... a Winter Storm Watch?
19 March 2008
My new best friend, CVS*
I went and got a deal today. I am such a newbie at this and am almost completely unable to do it on my own. But thanks to brilliant, wise and amazing Money Saving Mom and the very creative Centsible Sawyer, I was able to get -- 1 lipgloss worth $8.99, 1 bodywash worth $6.99, 2 deodorants worth $1.69 each and a gallon of milk -- ALL for $3.12!!!
AND I got $12 in Extra Care Bucks to spend next time. "Next time" is going to be tomorrow, I think, when I'm going to try out a different deal and see if I can make some more ECB's! So much fun -- and all this stuff I don't really need!
*with apologies to my real best friends.
18 March 2008
Bloggity blahggity blah blah blah -- 10 things on a Tuesday
- Dennis is home! I picked him up from O'Hare on Sunday night at 7:40, got him home with requested pizza by 9:40. We walked into the house and Annalivia said, "Hi, Daddy," like it was any other day. Daniel was running laps, thanks in part, I think, to the steroids he's on. We all got to bed late, but it was worth it.
- Daniel is doing much better after a bout with... asthma, maybe? We were in the emergency room on Saturday for about 7 hours while he cried and wheezed and gasped and so on. But he's better now.
- My Holy Week is ending up to be pretty organized. I have services on Wed, Thurs, and Fri. I only have a bulletin, a meditation and a sermon to finish. I'm feeling pretty good about it.
- The carpet is almost done at church, which means we are going to get to spend some time on Thurs and Friday playing with Easter arrangements in the mostly finished sanctuary.
- My church secretary has been totally amazing lately -- coming in early, working hard, finishing everything in time, AND not doing anything "helpful," thus causing more work for me.
- Dennis has agreed to have a couple of yard sales this summer and spend the summer decluttering, organizing and painting up the parsonage as though we are going to live in it for the NEXT seven years, too. He has no classes this summer. That means he gets to be my peon. :)
- Our Easter outfits are coordinated and mostly assembled. I love Easter outfits.
- After church on Sunday, we are going out with some other pastors and their families for brunch. One couple we know very well. The other we are getting to know, but like tremendously so far. I'm looking forward to it and am praying for exemplary behavior from my daughter.
- I got an anonymous political comment recently. I kind of feel like I hit the big time.
- My Sunday paper did not have any of the coupon inserts in it. It had plenty of ads. No coupon inserts. This bothers me because I'm trying to legally pillage CVS through the Extra Bucks program and I planned to triumph today. Since my call to the paper has not been returned, I guess I'll have to wait.
15 March 2008
24 hours
14 March 2008
Interesting info on Muslim thought
- That which is most admired about the West by both Westerners AND Muslims was freedom and technological advances.
- That which was most criticized about the West by both Westerners AND Muslims was the breakdown of moral values.
- Radical Muslims are not more likely to live in poverty or be undereducated.
- Those who identify themselves as radicals do not generally identify themselves as more religious than moderates.
- Most Muslims thought Americans were likeable, though most had not met Americans.
13 March 2008
Not to count chickens prematurely...
- Amazing things are happening at my little church.
- The carpet in the sanctuary has been torn out.
- To do that, the junky funeral-home organ and piano and everything else have been moved out.
- The gorgeous hardwood floors under the pews have been refinished.
- While the carpet was torn out, a group of folks decided that we may as well change the chancel while we are at it.
- We got bids and hired a contractor all within a week (it took 7 (SEVEN!!!) years to actually agree to getting the carpet replaced.
- Work begins tomorrow.
- The built-in pulpit and weird railings are coming out. It will be opened up into a lovely design a la my sweet love.
- Work should be finished on SATURDAY!
- The new carpet -- a completely new color -- goes in on Monday.
- We should be back in the sanctuary on Easter.
- There has been talk of not moving the organ back and getting a clavinova instead!!
- There has been talk of taking down the picture a friend calls "the Olan Mills' portait of Jesus" that hangs over the baptistry in the very front of the church where normal churches have a cross (I know, I know) and getting stained glass windows to hang in the baptistry window instead.
- I have not been part of any of the discussions, for the most part, and have been doing behind-the-scenes scheming and influencing instead.
This is big.
12 March 2008
Mamet, I concur
(Those with delicate sensibilities should know there is a bit of profanity.)
08 March 2008
06 March 2008
The problem with being repetitive
05 March 2008
The perils of motherhood
Parishioner: You look nice. I think you have something in your hair, though.
Me *feeling hair*: Ugh! I think it's snot.
Parishioner: You also have something on your sweater.
Me *looking at smudge on sweater*: Also snot.
Parishioner: I hesitate to mention it, but you also have something there *pointing to my top*
Me: That would be... snot.
Parishioner: Well.... at least it goes with everything.
04 March 2008
A proper tea...ish

I promise -- we did have a nice time...