10 August 2006

A brief rant

Dear fellow mainline "liberals" -- can we please, please, PLEASE quit implying that those on the "conservative" or "fundamental" side of Christianity are simple-minded, unintelligent, uninformed morons?
And dear evangelical "conservatives" -- can we please, please, PLEASE quit inferring that those on the "liberal" or "progressive" side of Christianity are weak-faithed, untested, unsaved relativists?
Faith is too important, too personal, too essential to keep doing this to each other! Enough already, ok?


Jim and Amy Rennie said...

Hey, April . . .I'm with you here. I feel exactly the same way. You go, Girl! (hehe)

(this is Amy btw) :)

April said...

Thanks, Sister-Christian (that sounds a lot sassier in my head than it looks here!)

Anonymous said...

yeah well they have to go first.
