Here is a super-easy, super-fast project that is ideal for last-minute Valentines. I'm making a whole bunch of these this afternoon while waiting at the doctor's office. I'm making them out of different shades of leftover yarn to add to barrettes for Annalivia's female preschool classmates. If I get really organized, I'll show you what I'm planning for the little boys tomorrow.
In the meantime -- the Itty Bitty crochet heart. (Modified from this pattern at Skip to My Lou.)

VERY cool!!!
This is the second time I've thought, "You have nice model hands, April!" I'm thinking of you and baby! Stay well! -Moo
Thank you for your tutorial! I'm pretty new to crochet and was SO excited that I was able to make it! Yay! :)
Thank you so much for sharing!
Thank you for your tutorial :). I made hearts to give away for the 1st of March (we have a tradition, to give little things, like brooches, with a red and white cord/string, named "mărţişor"). I want to ask you for a favor: may I copy your photos for a school project? I have to create a site with the handmade theme, and I thought I could include this tutorial too.
Thank you!
Have a good day!
merci beaucoup pour votre partage, c'est un très joli coeur.
Thank you for sharing! This is the first tutorial on a heart that made sense to me! I added a slip stitch around to make it a little bit bigger and it's so cute! I'm excited for my baby girl to wear it as a headband applique!
Thank you for sharing this! I was looking at crocheted flowers to attach to a baby hat I knit, but they seemed a bit overwhelming for a newborn's head. I like the heart idea better!
I'm a knitter, but would love to make some crochet heart small "washcloths"..just scrubber size. Can you advise me on size of hook. Would you change anything on a larger scale?
Anne Dovel
Thanks for sharing.
I will start ASAP the "love proyect".
I'm sure they will look awesome in the Christmas tree!
Your hearts are so beautiful!
Your hearts inspire me!
Your hearts inspire me!
This is Brilliant thank you! its just a perfect size for a crochet rabbit I am making for my nieces baby! so thank you so much! xx
struggling with your word verification was not sure if you knew it was on... its so hard to see! :(
For a year I was trying how to figure out the magic circle. I just did--it was so easy by just looking at that first pic! And the hearts look great on my new chunky boot toppers! Thanks for sharing.
thank you so much for posting this... super photos... as a new crochet-er I was able to do this! ~ kim
Can't wait to try the crocheted heart! So glad to see fellow christians sharing what God is doing in their lives! God bless you and your family!
So pretty! Can't wait to try this and can see these playing some role in my wedding! Hope you don't mind if I post this to my blog?
It's beautiful!! What size of hook and yarn are you using??
Thanks for the tutorial, is very easy to understand the pics!!
I'm not a magic circle person, I chained 4, then joined to make the circle. Looks the same!
Thanks so much for the tutorial, never did a magic heart before but will use this for many future projects!
I make the little hearts and will give them to my little grandchildren for Valentines day to wear by putting a pin on the back
Wow! How much fun. Thank you for this tutorial. I'll be making these for my daughter kindergarten class for Valentine's Day.
Thanks for sharing. ;) love them.
Thank you for the tutorial! I've made heart bunting. I love the result! If you wish take a look here in my blog:
Take care!
Thank's for posting, just making some hearts to string together to make mini-bunting.
Thank you so much for posting this. It is perfect for Valentines' Day coming up!
Best little heart tutorial I've found! Thank you!
Fabulous tutorial! I linked to you on my blog in my Weekend Inspiration- Crochet Projects post. I'd love for you to take a look:
Best Wishes,
The hearts are so cute, I really want to make one but mine are not coming out, I have a hard time following written instructions. Is there anywhere I can see a video of this being done? It is just easier for me to follow that way. If not, that is okay :) Thanks for sharing!
These hearts are adorable! What size hook and yarn did you use,please?
I'm struggling with the very last step. Could someone provide some clarity?
So sweet... Thank you for sharing!
Hugs from Brazil, Claudia.
Thank you very much for sharing hearts are great have been using crocheted flowers on hats but now I can add hearts, thank you one again your hearts are going down under! Joy
muchas gracias por la explicacion; sencilla,clara y apetecible de realizar. Ahora mismo me pongo con ellos.
Perfect for attaching to my crocheted coat hangers! Thank you!
I'm not sure what you meant by slip stitch to the center. But this was so easy!
I love this little design, THANK YOU, so much for showing me how to make it.
Thank you for the tutorial, it was easy! I made hearts with crochet thread, yarn, and t-shirt yarn, adjusting my hook size up with the thickness of the yarn. The t-shirt yarn and a huge plastic hook yielded a heart big enough for a coaster! (It was a little awkward with the t-shirt yarn, though).
Hello, I just came upon your blog and felt such peace as I read the post. I will give this a try. It is something I can do at meetings at work.
I checked your blog and it looks like you may no longer be posting, is this true? I hope you have just taken a break to tend to your life. I have a dear friend in IL and I would like to send her to your blog for encouragement.
I hope you and yours are well.
Ci provo subito. Grazie per il tutorial chiarissimo
Chiara. Ciaooooooo
Hi l made them and l love it thank you for share thanks!!
Olá, obrigada por compartilhar!
Thank you so much for taking the time to add these photos and instructions. I am making the hearts as part of a wedding present.
I'm a beginner n its so simple thank u ;-)
absolutly brilliant!!! thank u 4 tutorial.
have a good day
This was fantastic...made one for my grandson which he carries in his pocket When he is thinking of Grannie he takes it out and says he has Grannie's heart with him and it's filled with love.
Thank you for sharing with us. God continue blessing you and your family. I'm going to make it to give away on Valentine's day (to friends and family)
Great tutorial thanks!! And I noticed your it by chance Claire's ring from the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon? Her books are fabulous!
Thank you very match!
You tutorial is best!
Lovely! I made one today. Thanks for the ideea! :*
I found your blog through a search for crocheted hearts and after looking through several I think I could handle your very easy directions and I can make hearts. Thank you for such an easy way to make them. I can think of all sorts of ways I could use them.
~Love Hearts~
Now to tour your blog!
Enjoy your evening!
I love these tiny hearts. What type and size yarn? What size crochet hook?
I have been crocheting since I was a little girl and have never made a magic circle... as soon as I figure that out, I'll be making some mini hearts. lol love the look
Good morning from Greece! this heart pattern is so simple and so cute! I would like to use it to my creations, with your permission, of course!
thankyou for the little heart tutorial. I have just made two and with a bit more practice I think I will be able to make them almost as beautiful as yours.
Hola que significa 2 ganchillo doble o triple gracias
Soy de aArgentin
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