I have been inspired. Various bloggers have been addressing "disposable thinking" lately. It is a philosophy that has far-reaching effects and can even influence such mundane things as how we present a daily meal to our family. I've been moved to start chipping away at the iceberg in my own mentality and try to begin creating beauty where possible.
So -- today we began phase one with a transition away from cheap plastic junk to glass and various ceramic-type storage stuff. We rounded up all of our plastic storage containers and cheap mixing bowls and will donate them to Goodwill. We replaced them with glass containers. I have a feeling it will be harder to misplace the lid to a glass container. That's my hope, at least.
We also bought a bunch of canisters and mason jars for dry goods. I'm trying to get my pantry a little more organized rather than having half-filled bags of flour and sugar and such all over my cabinet. If I need to cook more, I really need to be able to do it pleasantly.
I think this project will take me into tomorrow, also. But hopefully, I'll emerge with less cluttered cabinets and a cleaner counter. We'll see...
As pretty as the glass this sounds I'm having trouble thinking that it's going to work well in a house with small children. Now, the pantry should work, but if the stuff in my kids' reach... I go for plastic personally until they were older.
Please go to Crystal's blog to wish her a happy birthday! :)
You're right, Angela. The kids have mainly plastic dishes, though Annalivia is getting to the age where she thinks using a pretty teacup for milk or a fancy plate is something special. I was writing more about our storage dishes that we use in fridge, freezer and microwave and that Dennis takes to work. We've switched to inexpensive Pyrex-type for those.
Gideon gets into the fridge more than either of my other boys ever did. WE're working on the training but in the meantime...I'm SO GRATEFUL for plastic. LOL
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