29 February 2008
Anyone near an Office Max tomorrow? Need Sharpies?
Wow. An extra day...
I got nuthin'.
28 February 2008
Substitutions gone awry
26 February 2008
On the less festive side of things...
25 February 2008
Ballerina birthday
24 February 2008
Moveable church
21 February 2008
20 February 2008
19 February 2008
Brrrr.... (a recap)
17 February 2008
16 February 2008
Supah sistahs
Super easy falafel(-ish)
Yogurt sauce
Tahini sauce
1/2 c. tahini
This is obviously not completely authentic falafel, but it IS delicious. And really easy. And delicious. Really delicious.
15 February 2008
Book tag
1. Pick up the nearest book (of at least 123 pages).
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people.
The book closest to me happens to be Enough by Juan Williams. Part of the first sentence is on preceeding page.
I will look forward to actually getting to this page to find out what all of this means."In the days after his first comments about crime at the 2004 Brown celebration in Washington, Cosby sent the press a statement in which he explained that he was speaking out as a call to end the feeling of helplessness among black people dealing with crime in the black community. He wanted to ignite "righteous indignation" as a basis for action against this scourge. He was willing to mention this cruel monster in the house as a first step toward organizing a plan for fighting back.
"'I travel the country and see these patterns in every community," Cosby said in his statement, "stories of twelve-year-old children killed in the crossfire between knuckleheads selling druge, the fourteen-year-olds with a sealed envelope as their first into the criminal justice system.'"
I'm tagging whomever wants to play! Let me know if you do, ok?
Friday Five: The Water and the Word
1. When and where were you baptized? Do you remember it? Know any interesting tidbits?
2. What's the most unexpected thing you've ever witnessed at a baptism?
3. Does your congregation have any special traditions surrounding baptisms?
4. Are you a godparent or baptismal sponsor? Have a story to tell?
5. Do you have a favorite baptismal song or hymn?
14 February 2008
Praying for NIU
Last minute pressies
(And if you are family from central Illinois, why don't you come back sometime this afternoon and read this? No reason...)
If, on the other hand, you are scrambling about trying to figure out what you or your children can make in the next two hours for someone, here are some ideas...
Annalivia and I made these very simple bookmarks tonight. I cut the pieces out with pinking shears and applied the glue. She applied the ribbons and heart.
These are some hair decorations for my niece. She loves rainbows and hearts and pink and anything sparkly and girly. The idea came from Family Fun magazine. It was SUPER easy!
If you have any ideas for last minute (or well-planned) celebrations, feel free to share them here!
13 February 2008
Afternoon scene
09 February 2008
Plastic junk
07 February 2008
The waitress
05 February 2008
Local news
04 February 2008
Random thoughts on the week ahead
I'm excited about Super Tuesday. Most of you know that I am wholeheartedly supporting John McCain. Some of you think I'm crazy. You're right about me being crazy. But not about this. Regardless of where one falls on the political spectrum, it is very, very good to be able to actually have our votes matter this year! I don't think I've ever been so excited to vote!
Anyway... moving on... the next day is Ash Wednesday and we will start our midweek Lenten service, Soup for the Soul. We are hosting it this week and I am in charge of making soup. It may be leftover gumbo.
This is one of my favorite times at church, partly because of the shear business of it, but also because it is a time to really hone in on how we are living out our faith in everday life. I just adore the whole vibe of Lent.
Dennis and I have been thinking a lot about what to do for Lent and came to a decision a few weeks ago after I got several books by Michael Pollan from Amazon. Our family is going to try a Lenten experiment of giving up as much industrial and processed food as we can without going broke. For us, this is going to mean eating as much organic produce and grains as possible and using organic and free-range meat very seldomly. Both he and I are kind of excited about it. We have been increasingly aware of the questionable way our country manufactures food with corn and its subsidized products being used in EVERYTHING. So we are going to see what it would be like to get off that merry-go-round.
We are, however, making an exception on Thursday, the second day of Lent, because our big boy is TURNING ONE!!! :( :( Everyday we are so grateful for this wonderful little being who has been entrusted to us. That he has been here a whole year is just amazing. Last year at this time, I was in hour 8 of the 39-hour labor marathon that brought him into the world. Crazy.
And on Friday, my incredibly generous and wondrous husband is going to take a half-day so I can go visit all my shut-ins in one fell swoop for the month. We'll see how that goes.
I have a feeling I'll be ready for Saturday.
01 February 2008
The Brit at our house
Friday Five: February Celebrations
Candlemas/ Imbloc/ Groundhog day/ St Brigid's day- all of these fall on either the 1st or 2nd February.
1. Do you celebrate one or more of these?
I've never really known about any of them other than Groundhog Day until this year.
2. How do you celebrate?
Dennis and I usually try to watch Groundhog Day which is one of our favorite movies. That's been about it.
3. Is this a bit of fun or deeply significant?
It's been just fun. But this year, I learned about WHY we celebrate Groundhog's Day when we do. (Do you know this? It's 1/2 way between the winter solstice and the spring equinox!) And Candlemas suddenly made MUCH more sense and had more significance. In fact, I wrote my newsletter article this month on Candlemas. Sort of. So, we may have to find something to observe in the future. My inner Episcopalian really wants to jump on board these things.
4. Are festivals/ Saints days important to you?
Formal festivals -- not so much other than the big'ns. But, my mother was always GREAT at making any celebration special. I never knew any other kids who observed MayDay, but we sure did.
5.Name your favourite Saints day/ celebration.
St. Patrick's Day. We really only observe it and Valentine's Day. But my mom has the BEST St. Patrick's Day celebration I've ever heard of. And it involves no beer.
But it does have a Leprechaun Basket.