09 March 2007

Friday Five: A Matter of Taste (following instructions this time)

Ok. Well, I did this with things I don't like that others around me do. Now here's what I do like -- this is a much easier list:

1. Routines and schedules
Not that I follow them or keep to them, but I like the idea of them, which I think most of my free-flowing family does not

2. Sleeping through the night
Daniel, the person who has been closest to me most recently (i.e. inside of me) does not like to sleep more than an hour and a half at night. Me -- I'm fond of a good 8-10 hours.

3. Keeping water IN the sink when doing dishes
Annalivia is currently exploring how well containers with no tops or bottoms hold water. Apparently she hasn't reached a verdict yet because the experiment continues...

4. A church with members under 40
Ummm, I would think this would be a no-brainer for most church folks, but given the actions of the beloved folks here, I believe otherwise...

5. Blogging
I think everyone I know should have a blog. It would be nice to see how they'd answer this.


Terri said...

Yes, having a blog is great fun, and good therapy...good play!

Unknown said...

I love your answers! (Loved your other ones, too.)
Bless your heart, it's hard to live through the sleep deprivation portion of infancy, isn't it?

Sr. Heather said...

:-) A much happier post! I don't know why, but I had the same initial thoughts as you - thinking of all the nasty things that the people around me inexplicably like - but then I re-read the RGBP post and realized I had it backward. It amazed me how much more positive it came out in my mind when I posted it the "right" way.

Prayers for you with the new little one. I'm a basket case when I'm sleep deprived, so you have my sympathies.

will smama said...

Great posts.

Sally said...

:-) thanks for adding this- and I'm with you on the small churches....

Lori said...

I like both lists! But I gotta ask, churches with members under 40? Do you mean under age 40 or less than 40 members, cuz I'm over 50 and wouldn't be able to join!

The McStews said...
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April said...

I mean, it would be nice to have ANY members under age 40. My husband and I are literally the only ones. I'm paid to be there and he'll only fit in this category for three more years...

ccap said...

I think balance is good. Our church has oodles of people under 40. I wish there were a few more grey-haired members - to give us perspective and wisdom.