11 February 2007

And he's home again...

Daniel (and Dennis) came home this evening. We are SO relieved to have him here with us!

AND... we're having a heat wave! It's a whopping 18 degrees out right now! For some reason it seems much easier to keep the house warm...


  1. Rejoicing that both your men are home. Will continue to pray for his health (that jaundice is a frustrating thing) and for your fast recovery.

  2. glad to hear he's back home. those ics on previous posts are gorgeous!

  3. April
    I've been reading your 'story' from a distance for a little while and am sorry I haven't introduced myself before now...
    We 'lurkers' are a shy species!
    I was especially looking forward to hearing news of your baby's birth, with great anticipation and some anxiety - but am so relieved for you that all is well and that your beautiful baby Daniel is safely home, and well...
    We have a 4 year old son with Down Syndrome and so can really empathise with you about how difficult the latter part of your pregnancy must have been, with so much uncertainty and then of course having to cope with the aftermath of your car accident. The way you coped with everything was truly inspirational and I just wanted to convey that.
    Many congratulations!!

  4. So glad the boys are home! Praying for you as you settle in to the new family dynamics. And thank you for your note - I'm going to hunt out the post-its and do just that!


  5. So glad he is home. Hope he continues to recover and you too.


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