11 February 2007

Brief update

After we came home, Daniel became very jaundiced. We tried to treat it with a biliblanket here, but he has ended up in the hospital. Dennis has been staying with him, since he's not nursing well yet and they don't really have a place for me to pump every two hours. We're hoping that he'll get to come home tonight or early Monday morning.
Once again, I find myself so incredibly thankful for Dennis and his overwhelming willingness to do whatever needs to be done to take care of his family. And I'm also very thankful for his mother who has, once again, stepped up to take care of Annalivia, who is just thrilled to be able to spend so much time with Baba.
At some point, I have intentions of getting on here and actually doing some processing of all that has occurred in written form. However, I'm headed up to the hospital now, so that will be a while.

Again, we want to thank everyone so much for all your thoughts and prayers! Blessings to you all!


  1. awwww . . .poor baby. :( I hope he gets well soon. That's a tough way to get started, but at least it's something that can be dealt with and he will get healthy quickly. :)

  2. i'm sorry that daniel had to go back to the hospital. i'm so glad to hear that dennis and baba are being so wonderful. i look forward to your reflections when it is sensible to take the time to share them. for now... rest, recover, enjoy your famly. Still so happy for you.

  3. here's praying for a fast homecoming for daniel...hope you're getting some sleep as well! :)


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