13 February 2007

The little princess' new table and chairs

Annalivia's Christmas present from Grandma Lorena arrived yesterday. It's a white table and chairs and Dennis put it together immediately with a little help from Annalivia (she put held the screws and then put them in the holes for him to tighten). We moved it back to her bedroom and she has been spending lots of time coloring, mostly in her coloring books, but occasionally on the table top itself (which is why this child will probably never have anything other than washable crayons -- glad to report the table top cleans up perfectly). She has also been using it for a changing table for her dolls and a staging area for plastic animal parades.
Last night, Dennis was in charge of the bedtime story. It was about a little princess who had a new table and chairs. The chairs were too small for her mommy and daddy and too big for her little brother, but just right for the little princess.
And they are.


  1. A beautiful story April. I can't imagine that your little princess can feel anything but loved - you and Dennis clearly have enough to go round your whole new family a dozen times and more besides...


  2. That is cute. And what a neat story to tell her.

  3. SUPER cute table and chairs and a perfect story to go with them!


Say what you will here...