08 October 2007

It's about time

In my convalesence, I am reading the Anne of Green Gables series. Despite the fact that I could probably still recite the movie versions verbatim (except for that terribly disappointing third movie), because I literally, at one point in my life, watched the tape of these movies every single day, I am reading these books for the first time ever in my life. I don't remember now why exactly I haven't read them before, but I read through #1 today and laughed and cried and felt very ashamed by my negligence.
It's about darn time, eh?


Jan said...

Good for you! I never read them, even though my mother kept telling me they were her favorite books "when she was my age." So there was a little spurt of rebellion there.

more cows than people said...

funny. i was about to open my comment with practically exactly the same words as jan.

good for you- i've never read them- the movies rocked.


j said...

I'll weigh in with sheepish solidarity. What is this? A lady-pastor revolution?! I've been quietly holding my breath lo, these many years, ashamed of letting down the sisterhood for not having read Anne of Green Gables...alas, I am not alone!! Go April--you told the secret!!

Dusty said...

That must be my favorite book series of all time! I read the entire lot of them my freshman year of college (after seeing the movies) and fell truly in love. I hope you enjoy them!


Jim and Amy Rennie said...

I used to watch those movies all the time too . . .we talked of Gilbert's hottttness, remember? I always have loved the books, my Grandma Brown got them for me and they always remind me of her.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry you missed out on reading these books sooner!

Still, "tomorrow's a new day with no mistakes in it yet" - be sure to read the next in the series so you don't miss out again!!!!

A. Lin said...

I read them (several times) before I ever saw the movies. I am reading them to my preschoolers chapter-by-chapter as they fall asleep at night. We 1/4 through book 5 (Anne's House of Dreams).