11 August 2007

Home again, home again, jiggety jig

I have returned home from the alumni board meeting of my alma mater. It is amazing to me that regardless of how much I think I want a little break from my family sometimes, the instant I am more than two miles from them, I long to be with them far more than I long to be away. For the whopping 24 hours I was gone, I was thinking about how soon I could come home.
I'm really thankful that this is the way it is for both Dennis and me. I know I'm stating the obvious here, but lots of folks don't enjoy a desire to spend free time with their families. And there's so much in our culture that promotes a "necessity" to focus on self before others, especially the members of one's family. Sometimes Dennis and I are keenly aware that we are swimming against what seems to be the stream. Sometimes we aren't aware enough.
But anyway, I am home and it was good to put Annalivia to bed and it was good to hold a very fussy and squirmy Daniel before passing him off to the parent without the broken wrist. And it is good to be able to wash dinner dishes. And it's especially good to smooch on my sweetheart.
It's all good. And for that, I'm grateful. Really, really grateful to be home.

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