10 August 2007

Friday Five: On my mind this morning

  1. Yesterday would have been my grandmother, Ga's, 97th birthday. I thought about her a lot yesterday. Ga was raised in several orphanages as a child and had several families adopt her and then return her before she was permanently adopted by a Methodist minister and his wife when Ga was 10 years old. Ga was 40 when she had my mother, her third and last child. She lived in Eureka and we spent LOTS of time with her in our childhood. Friday night sleepovers at her house were routine for a long while. She died my junior year of college. I will always miss Ga.
  2. I exchanged my cast this week for a removeable splint. This means I can shower with minor effort. Blessed, blessed shower.
  3. Yesterday Daniel and Annalivia and I made a fruitful trip to the Quad Cities. We bought canvas bags at Hobby Lobby to pack with worship activities each week for the kids at church. (It's a "build-it-they-will-come" sort of thing.) And we went to a consignment store there and I was able to get Daniel's entire fall and winter wardrobe of brand name clothes very cheaply. Annalivia already has all the clothes she could possibly ever need for winter.
  4. I am looking forward to the appearance of Daniel's bottom teeth. They are making him, and everyone else in the family, miserable.
  5. Tonight I am leaving my family and going to Springfield for a Eureka College alumni board meeting. In continued revelation of my dorkdom, I'm most looking forward to being able to listen to The Message for six hours.
Anything on YOUR mind? Feel free to link here.


  1. "In continued revelation of my dorkdom...." You are joking, aren't you April? You never cease to pull me up short, to make me think, to give me something to consider. You are one cool chica, matey! (You see, that just doesn't sound right, said in an English accent...) LOL have a great time.


  2. I am so NOT kidding, Amalee, but I'm ok with being a dork. Very ok. I was raised with dorks, best friends of dorks, fell in love with a dork and gave birth to a couple, I think, though that remains to be shown. Dorkiness is endearing most of the time, I think. And that's me, isn't it? Just sooooooo endearing? :)

  3. I can attest to that. She really WAS friends with dorks... We reveled in our dorkdom. Okay, I'm saying dork WAY too much here... :)

  4. Sorry for the comment confusion: I was unaware that I was logged on under Andy's account! -Heather


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