02 May 2007

My gift to us

I am so excited!! I have just won my birthday/ Mother's Day gift in an eBay auction! (Grammy and Pa, this is partly your gift to me!) It is this playset minus the swings and it is used, of course. Dennis, being my handsome and brilliant engineer, is going to make a swing addition for it. Best of all, I got it for $96!! We are going to pick it up in northwest Chicago, hopefully, next weekend. Oh man, this is going to be a fun summer!!

1 comment:

  1. April, thanks for visiting my blog and encouraging me to keep it going. I have been so busy trying to get this house and yard back in shape,that I haven't been able to sit here in a while.

    Glad to see such a loving family, like I once had. I can now only imagine what it would be like to be doing those simple fun things that you are doing with my Wendy.

    It's great to see a loving couple.Have fun this weekend!


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