02 May 2007

Happy anniversary to blogger and me

Today marks one year of blogging! I began this blog the day after my 31st birthday, inspired by lots of other cool chicas to create a place where I could process life "out loud."
Through it, my world has become so very much larger. Thank you to all of you who read and/ or comment. You have been quite the blessing.


  1. Well happy anniversary to you all at salt for the spirit. Not only is your blog a great part of my day, april, it's a great starting block for so many other interesting bloggers found via their comments here. cheering you on to many more years of blogging.


  2. Always a pleasure to read! Happy anniversary!

  3. April?
    We are the ones blessed over the last year: blessed with YOU!
    Thank you for sharing yourself.
    You magnify Him.
    And enCourage us.

    Much love... and ENJOY that swing set! (Thankyou, Abba!!!)

  4. Thank you, all. Especially since you are three of my favorite bloggers. Bless you all!


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