02 April 2007

The strife is o'er, the battle won...

I know I'm jumping the gun a little, but I just have to share some Easter excitement because the EASTER WORSHIP SERVICE PLANNING IS DONE!! Hurrah!!
My secretary is on a mission trip this week so I have to run the bulletins off and fold them, but that won't be hard -- BECAUSE THEY'RE DONE!!
I was so ticked off at my secretary last week when everything had to be done so early to accommodate this last minute mission trip, but now I'm very grateful -- BECAUSE EVERYTHING IS DONE!!
And now, for the first time in ministry, licensed and ordained (i.e. 10 years) I get to spend Holy Week actually (gasp) thinking about the Holy, not the minutiae of what goes where and when. And why is that again? BECAUSE IT'S DONE, DONE, DONE!!
Can you tell I'm a little excited?
done, done, done, done....done!


  1. THRILLED for you!!! ~huge smile~
    Enjoy the Holy of this week....

    I send love...

  2. Hi April,

    I tried emailing you at the most recent email address I had, but that wasn't current.

    This comment is not related to your recent post; I just wanted to get in touch and figured this is the best way.

    Thanks for the kind words about Rose. If you send me your email address, I'll be sure to send you the complete email I wrote that got sent back as undeliverable.



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