01 April 2007

Little Sawyer James arrives

Little Sawyer James was born to Amy and Jim on Mar. 31 at 2:43 p.m. He was 1 lb. 9 oz., having been born at 23 weeks and 6 days.
Sawyer's got a long way to go, but his dad reports that, "He is an extremely handsome and very feisty little boy already." We're cheering for all of them here, but I know they appreciate your continued prayers as well.

1 comment:

  1. April (and friends),
    Thank you so much for your prayers. Please keep us in them. Sawyer, as they have told is, is a very sick little baby . . .but he's also improving a step at a time, and that's all we can ask for. He's truly a fighter. We know his life and his story will continue to impact and touch people's lives for a good long time. All of your support and prayers has made us grateful beyond measure.
    Jim and Amy


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