11 April 2007

The sorrow of loss

Today held the sad news that little Sawyer James Rennie died. Sawyer was born to Amy and Jim on Mar. 31. Last night his little organs failed him and he passed away early this morning. Amy and Jim lost their first son Brian who was born prematurely, also. I can't imagine their grief. Their pain must be overwhelming.
This evening, I found out that my dear friend, Bill, my seminary mentor, passed away yesterday after a long, hard fight with acute leukemia. He was an extraordinary person -- a pastor, musician, composer, intellectual, husband, father, grandfather and friend. Though we were not in touch frequently, I'll miss him terribly. I'll be travelling to Kentucky to sing at his funeral on Saturday and remembering how he drove through a snowstorm to be in Illinois for my ordination.
And it's snowing here. The Easter promise of the resurrection seems a little less shiny tonight, though I know it is there. If you are so inclined, I appreciate prayers for my dear friends above.


  1. Wow I am so sad for Amy. Tell her that she is really really loved. I am so sorry about little Sawyer. That must be so difficult to deal with. And your mentor - your voice will be a real gift to them this weekend, Ape. I love you!


  2. i sang at the funeral for a dear friend/mentor two years ago... so hard... but such a gift all the same. strength to you. and blessings abundant to amy and jim... how terrible. i understand what you mean about the Easter promise feeling less shiny bright... i heard a farmer in georgia on npr today talking about losing his entire crop of fruit and nuts (substantial) in the freeze on Easter morning. he's thinking about getting a job at Home Depot. it just seems so wrong... but losing a second baby... even wronger...

  3. I am praying for the families of Sawyer and Bill.

    If it weren't for the promise of resurrection, oh where would we be? Have hope, dear April. May God comfort you in your grief. (((April)))

  4. i'm so sorry, april. two really hard blows all in one week.
    thinking of you and will pray for you tomorrow on your drive.

  5. What big losses you have had, and your friends. So sad about little Sawyer, and for his parents. Praying for you through all of this.



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