16 April 2007

And the winner is...

Leah of Desert Spirit's Fire -- in a randomly selected drawing, you have won a gift certificate worth 10 sets of 100 pennies to Amazon!!!

THANK YOU to all who played in the 100 Things Contest! It was so neat to read your lists!

And for those who asked -- I'll put mine up in a separate post this week. If anyone else wants to link their list on the original post even though the contest is over, feel free!!


  1. I would like to log an offical protest of the drawing, in that my post was by far the most creative, encouraging and revealing of them all. I do not need the 1,000 pennies, I just need the glory.

    This was fun! Thanks!

  2. I was SO close!


    ~Leah of lifelongalaskan


Say what you will here...