23 March 2007

Prayers for baby Sawyer

My friend, Amy, is someone I've mentioned before on this blog. Amy and her husband, Jim, lost their little boy Brian last July when he was born at 22 weeks gestation. Now Amy is now a little past 22 weeks pregnant with their second son, Sawyer, and is experiencing a lot of difficulty. She had a cerclage procedure in which the cervix was sewn closed because she needs to carry little Sawyer as long as possible so that he will have a chance to make it outside of the womb. However, she has been dealing with infections that are causing her cervix to funnel, or open from the inside.
Right now the cerclage is holding. Amy is on complete bedrest and is being cared for by her husband who is also working full-time and her parents. They are all people of strong faith and are counting on God to carry them forward. They know that lots of people are praying for them, but I'd like to ask your prayers also for the entire family. Please pray specifically for Amy and Jim, and especially for little Sawyer. They need physical and emotional and spiritual strength right now. If you'd lift them up, I'd appreciate it.


  1. prayers going up for your friend, and baby.

  2. I remember reading posts about them here a few times....praying!


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