22 March 2007

The feta factory and the ketchup queen

Annalivia is going through a ketchup phase. She'll eat most anything if it has ketchup slathered on it. And if someone is reminding her to bite into her food. Otherwise, she just sucks the ketchup off of whatever mode of transportation the ketchup has taken to her mouth. Yesterday she was eating it plain off of her fingers.
Daniel, on the other hand, is a little feta cheese factory. He never did catch on to breastfeeding, so we turned to formulas, which was just an icky adventure. Finally, I settled on making my own goat's milk formula, which is great because it has goat's milk, water and syrup in it and that's it. Nothing I can't pronounce. It's also significantly less expensive than formula. (He does have to take a vitamin supplement, fyi).
The only downside of this solution is in the fact that for some reason, both of my children have been spitters. Now he constantly smells like a little feta cheese container. But he's healthy and pretty happy, and that's what counts, right?

(And yes, I do realize that my last two posts have been about sleeping and eating. I'm stopping here, I promise.)

1 comment:

  1. I just can't imagine you stopping blogging about your children what ever it is they are doing.

    Too cute and true. Glad he is healthy and you found what worked for him.

    My kids live, eat, breathe ketchup. It is a vegtable isn't it?


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