24 February 2007

Oh, please, say it isn't so

We just saw our first campaign ad -- Mitt Romney running for President -- but that election is IN FREAKIN' 2008!!!
I know we live close to Iowa, but this is just ridiculous...


  1. This is only the first ad you've seen? I've been seeing them a lot! Crazy, isn't it? They might as well just start as soon as one election is over with. It's like putting your Christmas tree up in August.

  2. p.s. Did you get the picture of Sawyer I sent?

  3. Well, we have 5 channels and watch PBS pretty much non-stop, so that could account for my ignorance. Now if only I could ignore them...

    And I just saw the Sawyer pics. Congrats.

  4. Thank you. Do you like his name?

    And yeah, ignoring them is best. I hate them, even when the election is the next day.

  5. With a two party primary and each side so wide open, it will only get worse. I am one of the few freaks who likes political ads. I am sure you will get sick of them soon...just think the Iowa caucus is not for another 10 1/2 months! And then the Ill. primary is Feb 5th. And then it is full speed ahead until November 5th of 2008!!! Lord save us.


Say what you will here...