23 February 2007

Lenten prayer possibility with thanks to Amalee

Hurrah for Amalee who sent this wonderful link to Sacred Space!! It's a great Lenten prayer spot -- time to pray, think, read scripture, offer requests -- all in a great format presented lovingly by the Irish Jesuits.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, Amalee! I never get to tell you that I read your blog all the time and highly recommend it to anyone else who needs a little vacation to Derbyshire now and then. Right now you've got some gorgeous hyacinth pictures that are helping me curse the "Winter Storm" warning pressing down on northern Illinois this afternoon!


  1. Wow! Thank you April, my first ever mention in someone's blog. I'm so glad you like the Sacred Space site, it's so convenient to sit at a pc and worship, especially at those times when we are "house-bound" for one reason or another. I too read your blog daily, IT'S REALLY GOOD.


  2. No, thank YOU, Amalee! You are a blessing to me!

  3. Hey--did you know that Jim's brother goes to college in Derby? Well, now you do. :)


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