06 December 2006

A small leap for the technologically impaired

I am rejoicing because it is 11:30 p.m. and I am headed to bed. No, the house is not clean, the guest room is not made up for my sister's family's visit on Friday, the Christmas tree is not unpacked or decorated, BUT I have managed to finally finish a picture that can go out in our Christmas cards. This project has been driving me nuts for weeks and thanks to Crystal and her digital scrapbooking genius, I learned how to cut and paste in my computer program that has been tormenting me forever. So, now I can go to bed with one small thing on the large list of to-do's finished at last. G'night!


Anonymous said...

Annalivia is just BEAUTIFUL!!!

Well done techno-geek!

Anonymous said...

Great photos!

Crystal Starr said...

I LOVE your card it's so classic and beautiful!! I love the idea of doing different seasons for a "Seasons Greeting!"

My favorite picture is the winter one (she looks ADORABLE in all of them though!)!! Where did you get that hat and coat?!?!??!

Unknown said...

I can only say, ahh, and can you pass the info on too a friend who is also techie impaired?