20 September 2006

A Post from an Outsider

This is Kalin, the youngest of the McClure 4 (as we are known on the streets and also in the old west).

April and Dennis were in a car accident on Tuesday on their way to the hospital to get the tests done on the baby. They managed to escape with some broken bones from what sounds like a horrible accident.

April said that they were driving on the highway behind a tanker truck when a car coming towards them crossed the center line. It clipped the back of the truck and spun around to be sideways in front of them. April and Dennis had no room to stop as they were only a couple car lengths away and they hit the car going about 55mph. Their van is totalled and the paramedics took pictures of it which the hospital staff have seen. Apey said they keep coming in and saying, "How are you alive?"

April fractured her right arm and sprained her leg and ankle. There was some bleeding, but the baby is OK. They'll operate on Apey's arm as soon as they can work out what kind of anesthesia and such they can use with the baby. The genetic testing will have to wait for a while.

Dennis had a compound fracture in his arm and broke both of his feet. He had surgery on his arm and left foot last night.

April's relaxing in the wing of the hospital created for mothers at risk. She's got a cushy bed, a private bathroom and a window with a view. Dennis is in a different wing on the same floor with an annoying roommate who kept the TV turned on loudly to ESPN until all hours of the night.

They'll be gimping around as best they're able, but since both of them broke their right arms things (IE: updating blogs) are going to be harder rather than easier.

Keep them in your prayers and thank God for protecting them.

Edit: I forgot to mention that Annalivia was not in the car with them. She was staying with Dennis's mom.


  1. OH APRIL!!!!
    Honey, we are PRAYING for you, Dennis, your sweet Angel Girl and this precious new one! I am so, so sorry this has happened! PRAISE GOD you are all ok!!!
    Kaylin, thank you SO much for your update! We're lifting up your whole family and appreciate you posting this!

  2. Oh my goodness...Prayers for all of you.

  3. Kalin~This is Amy (April's friend from college). What hospital are they staying in? I would like to send something to them there. Thanks!

  4. Kaylin, THANK YOU for posting this. I have been praying for April ALL day long, thinking it was due to the testing. Give her my love and tell her we'll be praying.

  5. thank you SO much for updating april's blog with this information. manymanymany prayers for your family, april...
    ~liz (e_a)

  6. Thank you for posting this Kalin. I'll be keeping Dennis, April, and the babe in my prayers. And thanking God also for protecting them during the wreck.

  7. Oh, dear April! You and Dennis are absolutely in my prayers. Thank you to Kalin for letting your blog friends know. May you recover fully and rapidly.

  8. I just read the news on Dawn's blog! My prayers are definitely with you - both of thanksgiving and for healing. What a comfort to know that you are in His hands and absolutely nothing touches you outside of His loving providence! Rest in those arms right now.

  9. Ugh, (((April))) I'm so sorry you poor things!! I am for sure praying for you guys.

    Thanks Kalin for letting us know about our dear friend.

  10. I am praying for you both, and will continue to do so!

    I am SO sorry!

  11. "He alone is my refuge and my place of safety" Ps 91:2

    Father, be April and Dennis' refuge, and their forever place of safety. Restore them... how we praise You for their lives! Work this all together for beauty... Keep their minds on You so they may have perfect peace.... In Jesus' name...


    I am praying, April...

  12. oh my. praying here too sweetie. For all 4 of you.

  13. Praying for you and your husband. I just found your blog from a link on RevGalBlogPals. I really like your blog and look forward to reading more of your postings. Most importantly right now is for you to get better and on the road to mending. Blessing and healing prayers being said.

  14. Another revgal here - Thank you for posting this and April and Dennis and Baby - our prayers are with you!

  15. April, healing thoughts and prayers to you.

  16. I'm whispering your name to Jesus tonight too...stay strong!

  17. WOW - so glad God worked it out for your little girl to be with your parents...

    AND I am praying for you and your husband. That this will be one of those surprise blessings somehow from Father God!!

  18. Our family will be praying for yours.

  19. I pray you are surrounded by God's presence. I pray for His quick healing! I am giving thanks for His protection. (((HUGS)))

  20. Prayers for God's comfort and healing.
    May God pour a spirit of healing upon this family.

  21. Another RevGal here, praying for healing for all of you.

  22. PRAYING for you, April. May He put a hedge of protection around you and send angels to guard you and your family. I'm so glad you are going to be ok....


  23. Yet another RevGal here...

    Prayers for you, April, for Dennis, for Annalivia, and for the tiniest one. May God pour abundant healing mercies and protection on all of you!

    And bless you, Kalin, for letting us know!

  24. Prayers for all of you and your clan as you recover. You are being lifted up by so many people. Know we are here.

  25. praying for you and your family april!!! ((((()))))

    deborah (CH)

  26. Prayers, prayers and more prayers for the whole family and all who are tending to you.

  27. Another RevGal offering prayers for your healing, April, Dennis, and Baby.

  28. Thanks for letting us know.

    Many, many prayers fly to surround you all. Please know you are in our thoughts and hearts continually.

    Free Flying Spirit

  29. Still praying for you and your family sweet April. And that precious baby you carry.

  30. ((((April,Dennis & Baby)))) Very gentle hugs! Praying for healing and quick recoveries!

  31. Kalin,
    I hope you will share these thoughts and prayers going to April and Dennis and baby. Also please post again to keep us informed of how the family is doing. I will return to check on their progress.

  32. Prayers ascending for you and your family. Accidents are so frightening...but thank God everyone is all right.

  33. Thank you Lord that this accident was not so much worse. We ask for Your hand on them in the recovery process - may it be swift and painless. Lord also 'gee people up' to help where it's needed most. Amen

  34. April and Dennis,

    So sorry you are going through this terrible time. I will be praying for speedy recovery as well as for your unborn little one.

    Blessings, mlpinky

  35. Oh prayers for April, one of my new blog friends and friends of revgalblogpals.Prayer for Dennis who will really be hopping around. And prayers for Apey. What an awful thing to have happen.

    Hope they can get the babie's surgery done with no complications. And prayers for Kalin. So glad you are okay.

    Hugs and prayers,
    your new friend Abi

  36. Wow,.. God surely IS holding you in the palm of His Hand...
    Praying with you

  37. It bears repeating--it just cannot be said enough--prayers for you ALL during this time. Be Still--and know that God is God.

  38. Just checking back in, April, to say that God keeps pressing you on my heart... and I am praying.

    Much love,

  39. Loving God,
    Pour out your healing spirit on April, Dennis, and baby. Give them strength and patience as healing occurs. Send them all the "angels with skin on" (friends and loved ones) they need to help them through this time.

  40. Another RevGal offering prayers for your healing and strength.
    God be with you.

  41. Wow.

    Praise God that everyone will heal.

    You are in our prayers.


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