21 September 2006

One handed thanks

Hi, all. Dennis and I are home and will be ok. Dennis is in a wheelchair and we are moving incredibly slowly, but we are alive and lucid except for the influence of Vicodin, and able to look upon and love on our baby girl, so we know all will be well.
I'll try to get on and post an update, or have my lackey/sistah, Kalin, do so every once in a while. We will both have surgery next week on our wrists/ arms and will be in the hospital again for a few days -- maybe even in the same room this time!
Thank you all so, so much for your prayers. The engine compartment of our van was completely destroyed, in fact the engine was on the other side of the guardrail, we hit so hard. I don't rhink there's any chance we should be alive, let alone blogging! I believe we have been covered in prayer for days and that gave us our extra layer of protection! So thank you all. Those words are inadequate to express the gratitude we feel.


  1. so good to hear you are home, though battered, praying that God will continue to surround you with His love and care- many blessings on all of you- from a fellow revgal

  2. I'm so glad you're okay. I join the chorus of people who are praying for you!

  3. I'm glad to hear you are home too!! I'm sorry you have to go through all this on top of dealing with the baby stuff. But YES PTL you are both alive!!!!! If I could be there with you right now I would give you a big gentle hug and and a helping hand.

  4. SOOOO glad ya'll are home! Praise God you're both ok! I know it's probably a BIG encouragement just to be hanging out with your sweet little girl. We'll continue to pray, April! :)

  5. You are one amazing woman! Praying for you, as you undergo surgery and have to deal with day to day life somewhat incapcitated...

  6. Wow... you all are home. That is a good sign. Praise be. I know you will be glad when you get beyond the surgery. Thanks for letting us know.

  7. April, I am rejoicing with others to know you are home, with your precious Bug....oh to GOD be all the glory...for the great things He has done!

    Continuing to pray ~~~

  8. Still praying, April. Thanks so much for posting. May your pending surgeries (both of you) be successful and may you heal quickly.

  9. April,
    Wow, so glad you are alive. You need to get the pictures and post them. I am sorry you are going through this with the baby stuff as well.

    Wish I was closer to help you out.
    Prayers for upcoming surgery as well.

    I got to tell you, I went through every possible means I knew via the internet to find you. But alas, I had to give it up.

    If you have time email me revabi@yahool.com or the revgalblogpals@gmail.com, if you are open to recieving cards or notes, I, we, will keep your confidentiality.

    Well, may God be with you as you go through the next days of healing, recovery,and rehab.

  10. It's so good to see your update. I've been praying for you and your husband ever since the gals at Choosing Home told us all what happened. We were already praying for you and were so shocked to hear about the accident.

    Praising God for His miraculous hand of protection!

    ~Leah in Alaska

  11. so glad to hear from you, april. continuing prayers on recorvery and peace for your family!

  12. What a mighty God we serve! I am so thankful to hear you are home for a bit before facing the surgery next week. Here is a quote for you from Elisabeth Elliot's Aunt Anne:

    "Lord, help me to live this day quietly, easily;
    To lean upon Thy great strength trustfully, restfully;
    To meet others peacefully, joyously;
    To face tomorrow confidently, courageously."

    Praying for you all.


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