02 July 2006

River reverie

We've been enjoying hanging out with my dear friend, Annalivia's godfather, Jimmy, at the parsonage in Louisiana, MO. Lovely historic river town, grand homes, wonderful company, fine food, etc. We are enjoying sitting around in the sunshine with feet in kiddie pools, splashing around the marina kiddie pool, and taking lovely drives along the Mississippi. It is just lovely and our first real vacation since May of two years ago. We're long overdue and enjoying most every minute, so more interesting posts will be coming later!

1 comment:

  1. Well it was lovely to have the McStews in residence for the weekend. My neighbors all was to know whether I have turned the parsonage "back 40" into a KOA Campground or a water adventure park! The house is quiet now. The refridge. is slowing becoming empty...and each time I try to plug something in, taking out a child proof outlet plug, I recall my little friends Annalivia, Ethan, and Sebastian and the great weekend we had together. Until the next reverie...


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