03 July 2006


You are my one true love,
Today I come to you to be your wife.
All that I am and all that I have,
I will gladly share with you.
I promise to accept you for the person you have been,
love you for the person you are,
and help you to grow into the person God wants you to be.
These things I promise to you now,
and each day, for the rest of our lives. ~4 July 2003

He had no possibilities. His glasses were too thick. His speech too unrefined. His education too simple. His mother too needy.
He was unworthy, I thought. Expendible.
He knew differently.
Within 5 days I realized I could love him forever. Within 12 days I knew I would.
Now I think if there is one who is unworthy, it is not him. He is far more generous, more loving, more giving, more creative, more intelligent, more understanding, more industrious, more clever than I can ever hope to be.
With him there is passion and joy and security and desire and contentment and love and, and, and... deeper than I ever knew possible.
With him, there are possibilities I could never have imagined.
I know differently now, too. This man is exactly the one my heart yearned to love.
And for some crazy reason, he loves me, too.
I love you so much, my love. Happy anniversary.


  1. A wedding of weddings it was. I was honored to be a part. As I have spent the weekend with the this fine couple and their beautiful daughter I agree with April. She married a fine man. It was hard to give up my best friend to another man.....because I could not have imagined how anyone could be such a good husband. But it is this Dennis that in fact completes (sustains, puts up with :))April. Happy Anniversary dear friends!

  2. Oh April, Happy Anniversary - I'm sorry I missed it - I hope it was wonderful!!!!!!


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