19 August 2007

Gifts of the weekend

1. Temperatures no higher than 75 degrees

2. A lovely drive through the country, fragrant corn fields, swooping swallows and all, at dusk on Friday night

3. A rainy day declutter of kitchen gadgets on Saturday and NINE boxes of stuff to Goodwill

4. A bouquet of amaranth, lisianthus, sunflowers and zinnia from the farmer's market for $5

5. LOTS of zucchini, processed and frozen

6. A satisfying sermon on Philippians

7. An even more satisfying nap courtesy of my sweet love on this afternoon

8. Pancakes for dinner this evening, per Annalivia's request

9. A reminder that the good life begins, or more accurately, is in process, right now.


  1. Hi April! :) What do corn fields smell like? Just curious. I've driven through corn fields but I can't recall a particular smell to them. Sounds like you are doing well, just saying hi. Oh, and would you mind sharing your recipe for German potato salad? It sounds good (bacon fat makes everything taste better, I think, but I'm not quite sure how you'd get it into potato salad :) )

  2. April, I am so impressed that you decluttered and have 9 bags for Goodwill! I wish your industry would rub off on me.

  3. Jan, it's more a sad comment on the magnitude of our stuff rather than my industry.

    Cara, the recipe I used was here. It's not my recipe, though by an "April", too. I think I'd play with the ingredients a little -- maybe add chopped hard boiled egg and celery. Also, I used cider vinegar and whole wheat flour. It was good, just not great.

  4. Thanks! I just love visiting your blog too, I can just *feel* the realness and love here :) :) :)



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