09 August 2007

All the difference in the world

It is early here, as it is most every day when Annalivia rolls out of bed. The last few days though, I've not been frustrated and angry when she gets up at the crack of dawn forcing me out of my cocoon of slumber. And the only thing that has changed besides making a conscious effort to work on my attitude, is that I've been trying to get to bed around 9:30 at night. I haven't made 9:30 yet, but I'm awfully close. And while this allows for little internet usage and not a whole lot of time to chat Dennis up, so far the a.m. tradeoff has been worth it. I've always been someone who needs more sleep than regular human beings. I feel best with about 10 hours/ night, not 8 and definitely not the 6 hours on which my husband can function pretty well.
So. I'm not around much here on the web. But in my real life, which is where it counts, I'm not only around, but much happier.


  1. Less internet is worth it if you know you can avoid being miserable around the kids.

  2. as they say in boxing, stay on your feet, you're winning on points. keep at it april, you're doing brilliantly.


  3. April, well done, that sounds so good!! I wish I was as disciplined as you and also able to fall asleep much earlier in the evening. My ideal is 8 hours a night, but this RARELY happens, in fact it's usually more like 6... which would explain why I'm so grumpy in the mornings. Maybe I need to toughen up and force myself to go to bed earlier!! Thank you for the food for thought :o)

  4. I, too, need 10 hours of sleep to function well and happily...but often only get 7 or 8. Summer has been nice as I have gotten that sleep, but school starts in two weeks and our new starting time is 7:30 a.m. which means I must leave my house at 6:30 a.m. to get there in time to prepare for the day!!! I'll keep wishing you luck if you'll do the same for me!

  5. Wise move! I also need quality sleep - I can function on eight hours, but it HAS to be eight GOOD hours. Unfortunately, stress, caffeine, noise - so on and so on - throw me off, and as a result, I'm often tired. Sigh. I could do with another couple of hours sleep right now, actually!


  6. My husband is like you. He just cannot function with little sleep. I used to be able to but "old age" is catching up with me. I sure can't live on 4-6 hours now. Thankfully my last baby is now sleeping through the night so I can too. YEAH!!!

  7. Oh, I'm so jealous of "sleeping-through-the-night" babies...

  8. i'm so with you- i've gotten into bed by 9:30 most nights this week- and mornings have been better. course it's 11:30 now and i still haven't caught up on all my feeds.

    i need 9 hours. always. sucks, but it's true.

    i've missed reading ya!

  9. I'm glad to hear that, MC! Perhaps it's just us, um... how to say this... "non-linear types" who need more sleep? Wild, dare I say, "genius" creativity might need a little more brain energy... :)


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