09 July 2007

Menu plan Monday for the week of July 8-14

Three things are focusing my menu planning this week.

1. It's hot here.
2. It's Vacation Bible School week every evening at church. As pastor, I sort of have to be there.
3. It's hot here.

So, this week, for lunch, Annalivia and I will be having popcorn, cheese and apples one day and pasta salad for me/ pb&j for her, the next. All week. Dennis can take leftovers from this weekend for the next two days and then leftovers from the night before the other days. Snacks this week are going to be yogurt smoothie pops

For dinner -- it's SANDWICH WEEK!! Easy, tasty (most of the time), cold/ cooked outside, and did I mention -- easy?

Monday -- Egg salad or Turkey and Ham deli sandwiches, apples and salad.

Tuesday -- Grilled chicken, mushroom and onion with Muenster cheese on garlic ciabatta rolls, cantaloupe, salad

Wednesday -- Tuna salad sandwiches, crudites and dip, grapes

Thursday -- Hot Dogs from the grill, pretzels, watermelon

Friday -- Cheeseburgers from the grill, watermelon again, pretzels, and the rest of the salad

Saturday and Sunday, we may just lie about and groan. And eat sandwiches.

For legitimate menu help, see here.


  1. Wonderful menu, everything sounds great! Thanks for sharing!

    Have a blessed week!


  2. what a wonderful menu plan!!

  3. Nice and easy summer menus!!

    April, it is so nice to "meet" you. thanks for stopping by my place. I look forward to getting to know you better. And I plan to check out more Menu Plam Mondays(how ingeneous!)


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