04 July 2007

Four fabulous years

Four years ago today, I did the smartest thing I have ever done and promised before God to love Dennis Stewart for the rest of my life. I said, "Dennis, you are my beloved, my true love. Today I come to you to be your wife. All that I have and all that I am, I will gladly share with you. I promise to accept you for the person you have been, love you for the person you are and help you to grow into the person God wants you to be. All of these things I promise to you now and for the rest of our lives."

And I do, sweetheart.

I love you.

Thank you for four beautiful years.

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  1. What a coincidence. The smartest thing I've ever done happened four years ago today. The decision to marry April has proven to be the best one I've ever made, with NO regrets.

    April, you are my beloved, my true love. Today I come to you to be your husband. All that I have and all that I am, I will gladly share with you. I promise to accept you for the person you have been, love you for the person you are and help you to grow into the person God wants you to be. All of these things I promise to you now and for the rest of our lives.

    I love you so much. Thank you for the wonderful life. Happy Anniversary.

  2. Aww... Happy Anniversary, guys! Our fifth is coming up. I'm going to have to track down our vows...

    Wow, April. You blogged up a storm yesterday.

  3. I was there!!!
    Congrats on four years guys.
    Love you.

  4. Thank you, sweetheart :)

    And thanks, MC. I've been saving up. One whole week's worth in a day... :)

  5. Oh, and thanks, Maria. You WERE there! It was a great gift to us, you know...

  6. oh, happy anniversary! what a sweet thing to read (from both of you!) this morning! and what a beautiful family - great photo!

  7. Happy Anniversary! YAY! :)

    I love LOVE STORIES! :) You two are GREAT together, AND - you make beautiful children. :)

    April, that's some wonderful bloggin' you've been doing. I've been reading back, catching up, and have to say - what inspired writing! :)

    I pray that your arm/wrist heals quickly now....

  8. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Happy Anniversary!!!!!

    Your vows are beautiful, as are your children, as is the picture, as are your spirits... Congratulations on the day, and blessings on your life!

  9. WHAT a bootiful family! And such a lovely marriage. COngratulations to you both.

    love, Valerie

  10. ah yes, four years ago. hottest day in IL history. if i recall i wondered about those vows at the time...whether they would memorize them... leave it the mcstews to write their own! AND remember them 4 years later. good job!

    thanks for being such examples of a faith filled and good marriage.

    not to mention some cute kids too.

    and i must say, what a great family picture. it must have been a professional photographer. :)


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