12 June 2007

More interpreted than interpretive

The kids and I went down to Eureka on Sunday, not for any real reason other than to spend time with the family. It seems as though we just didn't see them much during the fall, winter and spring. And now we need to rectify that.
It was a good visit. We got to spend time with Mom and Dad and Kalin and Lil and her family. And we also got in a good visit to Grammy and Pa. They were excited to get Daniel down on the floor and Annalivia was excited to get Gramps down to his basement where many toys are kept and where her greatgrandfather runs a fascinating play area with such things as a manual typewriter. She loves it.
One of the highlights of the trip for me was getting to see Kalin's Strawberry Scones dance. I had promised to bring her some scones if she offered something in exchange. The dance began with toes pointed inward and was not only pointy and crumbly, but also flaky. It also had narration, so it was less interpretive than interpreted, but I appreciated it just the same.
Once again, Eureka offers good times for the heart, soul, and avant garde artistic sensibilities.


  1. I am so sad I missed the dancing... :( Just the first of many things I will be missing out on...

    (I am sobbing at my computer.)


  2. Oh, Roo... It's ok. I miss out on a lot of the little details nowadays, too. It's the big stuff that really counts. Love you.

  3. April-I wish I'd have known you were in town this weekend! It would be great to see you and the kids. They are so sweet! (Joel had that exact same mohawk-mullet thing Daniel had. That made me smile!) I've been checking your site often and told my mom about yours and Maria's blog. She loves 'em too! More to come and..here's hoping we can pull together a great reunion!

  4. did you change the green on your blog? i like it.
    thank you for posting the strawberry scone recipe. we found a berry farm in our neighborhood yesterday and i have so many leftover even AFTER our snacking on them all last night and today...

  5. Heather... I wish I'd known you were there, too! We are trying to come down most weekends at some time or another. Let me know if you will be there and would like to meet up! I can arrange our schedules pretty flexibly as long as we are at church on Sunday! :) And if you have a chance, could you send me Maria's blog address? I need to find out what is up with her!

    Liz... hope you were able to make some scones! I'm going to make more today -- this time with sucanat and oat flour. We'll see how they go. And yes, I played with my blog template. I think I'm going to be playing more!


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