25 June 2007

Menu Plan Monday for the week of June 24

This week because of surgery on Tuesday for me, almost every main dish we will be eating will be from the freezer (denoted with*). My little church is unpredictable at best, when it comes to providing food to a pastor, so this is the plan and if food arrives, we can rearrange easily.

Monday -- Black Bean Burritos* (adapted from this recipe) with salsa, sour cream, avocado, and tomato; homemade Mango Yogurt Popcicles*

Tuesday-- classic Tuna Noodle Casserole*; Salad; Applesauce

Wednesday -- Sausage and Pepper Hoagies*; Salad; Cinnamon Apples (This is one of my dad's favorite sandwiches and since he is coming up to help post-op, I thought we'd have it. I cooked the sausage and the banana peppers and juice and then added the other peppers and onions, leaving them uncooked. All is frozen together so it will be easy to reheat and place on crusty ciabatta rolls.)

Thursday -- Lasagna*; Garlic Bread*; Salad; Oranges for dessert

Friday -- Olive Cheese Bread*; Italian Beans and Greens Soup* (recipe follows); Salad

Saturday -- lunch -- baked Macaroni and Cheese*; dinner -- Brats* on the grill

Sunday -- lunch after church -- Grammy's Meatloaf* (recipe follows) and baked potatoes; dinner -- Cheese Ravioli with Sauce*

Italian Beans and Greens Soup
olive oil
2-5 cloves garlic, minced
1 onion chopped
2 bunches endive, escarole, kale or spinach (though I prefer the bitter greens), chopped to whatever size you prefer
4 cups chicken broth
2 cans white beans (great northern or cannellini are good)

Saute garlic and onions in olive oil. Add greens and wilt. Add broth and beans. Heat through. If freezing, do not wilt greens much and don't heat broth and beans. FYI -- I think I adapted this from Rachel Ray

Grammy's Meatloaf
This is my favorite meatloaf. It is well-seasoned, but not overpowering and never, ever, ever dry. I usually make 2 or 3 at the same time and put the extras in freezer bags, pressed flat. This allows the meatloaf to defrost quickly. It can then be shaped and baked or put in the crockpot.

1.5 lbs ground beef or beef/turkey mix
1 envelope Lipton's onion soup mix
1/2 c ketchup
1 egg
1/2 sleeve saltine crackers, crushed in your hands (not finely crushed)
1/4-1/2 c. water

Leaving water out, mix all together with hands. Add water slowly to facilitate mixing til it is quite moist, but still holds shape. Freeze or form into loaf for baking. If married to Dennis Stewart, put ketchup only on top. If Grammy, mix ketchup and brown sugar for top and slice green peppers and onions very thinly to decorate the top. Cook uncovered, basting occasionally, until browned and delicious outside and moist and yummy (and done) inside about 45 minutes. Use a thermometer if necessary.


  1. I've really gotten into freezer cooking lately too and love it! I'm hoping to come up with a standard list of several to make each month. I also have the goal of stocking my freezer with the aim of making giving out freezer meals a little ministry to others. It seems like the perfect things to do for someone who likes to cook and doesn't have a lot of time with all these littles to be out there helping people.
    Anyway, I hope the surgery goes well and your recovery is QUICK!!

  2. I want to try that olive bread too! I have one of her recipes on my MPM this week too!
    Happy Monday!
    Your menu looks delicious!
    My Life as Annie!

  3. wow--what a great week planned. I'll be thinking about you during your surgery :) Have a wonderful, restful week.

  4. Those burritos sound yummy! I hope the surgery goes well, recovery is quick and that you don't have to use any of these meals. (I hope people bring you food!)

  5. Thanks for the great freezer recipes! I am trying to build up my recipe collection and get my freezer stocked. Hope the surgery goes well. Take care!

  6. Everything sounds great - it's amazing that you can pull all of that from your freezer! I especially like Friday's meal.

    Praying all goes well tomorrow...

  7. i see i'm going to have to stalk you. can you email me? if you didn't get my email a couple days ago i must have the wrong address.


  8. Hey Apey,

    Just wanted to let you know I'll be thinking of you tomorrow when you get your robo arm attached.

    Maybe if you got one with a bottle cap opener attachment, Marissa would be more likely to come home and visit us after she gets married. Just something to keep in mind.



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