17 June 2007

Menu Plan Monday for the week of June 17

So as part of my small goals toward more peaceful living, I am creating a weekly menu plan. I am trying to do this on Sunday evenings because I've decided to take Mondays as our errand day when we will be running over to Clinton, IA where gas is 30 cents cheaper per gallon, the grocery store is large and has carts shaped like trucks thereby entertaining Annalivia, and the goat's milk we use for Daniel's formula is two dollars cheaper. Plus I get to get out of town and they have a drive through espresso hut over there where I can get an iced latte. And a Target. So we all end up pretty happy.

Anyway -- I found a link to the Organizational Junkie's Menu Plan Mondays on one of my blog jogs (the only kind of jogging I'm apt to ever do) and decided to participate this week. If you click here, you can find a list of lots of participants and lots of good ideas.

So here is our menu plan, fully realizing that usually these things don't work out quite like this because we get too many leftovers piled up. I'm trying to be bettter about planning that, though, so hopefully this week we won't make too many adjustments.
These menus reflect a.) mainly what is already in our freezer or pantry, in terms of main ingredients b.) the desire to use the grill or crockpot rather than the oven because it is so bloody hot and humid right now. FYI -- the pastas are whole grain, and since apples are on sale this week, we'll be eating lots of those with everything.

Mon -- Grilled Talapia Filets with Lemon Garlic Sauce, grilled zucchini, apples. -- Grill fish. Saute garlic in butter. Add lemon juice, little frozen pesto (about 1/2 teaspoon) and reduce a bit. Pour over grilled fish.

Tues-- BBQ Pork Sandwiches, crudites and dip, apples -- the pork is in the freezer from a pork shoulder roast I got on reduced sale and cooked in my pressure cooker a couple weeks ago. I'll put it in the crockpot with some BBQ sauce and let it defrost and heat while we are at the doctor's in Rockford. I have meetings at church on Tues., so even if I don't get back in time to eat supper, Dennis can handle this easily.

Wed -- Cheesy Broccoli and Alfredo Calzones, apples -- an attempt to use some leftover ingredients based on this recipe, though substituting alfredo for marinara sauce, obviously, and using whole wheat for the flour. If we have too many leftovers of the above foods, I will just cook this and put it in the freezer for later.

Thurs -- Chicken in Foil Packets on the grill, and Apple Skewers. This is a Dennis request, so we'll use whatever veggies he'd like and do the classic foil packet dinner.

Fri -- Homemade Mac and Cheese, sweet peas, apples. Hopefully this will be in the crockpot.

Sat -- Spaghetti with Bolognese sauce and salad. And apples.


  1. Looks like a great plan! I hear ya about the leftovers--the solution to that is to put in a 'leftover night' ;) I enjoyed your blog today!


  2. Wow, that tilapia sure is popular! I've never had it!!

    Welcome to MPM~it's great having a plan!

    Jenn =)

  3. Great Menu! I started doing a left over night recently also.

  4. Yes, WELCOME! MPM is great! I'm addicted now as it's been so helpful in keeping me consistent. Have a great week!! :)

  5. I love calzones!! Yummy week ahead!!

    BTW--love your header. Great blog title :)

  6. hi april!

    i used to link to the monday menu planning as well...but i'm finding that summer makes my menu all mixed around by midweek. i have a plan for this week as well...but now i want to add apples to all our meals - especially grilled apples! :) yum!

  7. Welcome to MPM!! I am going to have to give the tilapia a try!! I am always looking for ways to grill fish.

    Have a great Monday!

  8. Welcome to Menu Plan Monday! I've really needed this in my life, and I hope you find it helpful too. The recipes that people share are terrific.

    And since this is my first time here, let me say: I LOVE THAT YOU'RE A REV! And love your blog title too. I'm a seminary grad, but not ordained. God would have to strike me with lightning to go in that direction. So God bless you for doing it! :)

  9. Welcome to MPM! I've found that menu planning has helped so much! I try to have a freezer meal, or something that I can throw together at the last minute in the wings, just in case something unplanned comes up. The only drawback to a planned menu is that the kids see it and get mad when I move things around on them, lol.

  10. Hello! Your menu looks fantastic, wow! Thanks so much for joining us...you'll find they are an amazing group of woman who are very supportive and encouraging!

    Have a wonderful week :)
    Laura (orgjunkie)

  11. as someone who has not cooked a meal in years, i am so very impressed your menu and general drive to, every day, be excited about cooking a great meal. such a lucky clan, those mcstews. but what is with the apples? ---are the kids a little constipated?--'cause after this week your trip to clinton will include extra diapies & wipies.

  12. Good grief, this blog entry makes me feel utterly disgraceful (and quite rightly so) as a head chef, for my menues aren't half as varied and exciting. Methinks I have to rethink my shopping plans. Sainsburys watch out! Great blog April.



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