25 May 2007

Friday Five (or not): Total lack of motivation

The RevGals Friday Five was about habits today -- establishing good habits/ breaking bad habits. You'll notice I'm not playing. I have nothing constructive to add to the discussion, I think. I am embarrassed to say that I've not established any good habits. Everything I do that is good is intermittent at best. And I'm mortified to think of all the bad habits that are not only established but firmly entrenched. So I'm being an ostrich about the whole thing. Friday Five? What Friday Five?
In fact, I'm sitting here in a slightly dark house. I've pulled all the curtains and the kiddos are both asleep and I thought perhaps I'd take a nap, too. They were both up at a little before 6 this morning and today's grumpiness has far outshone (or perhaps out-dinged) the grumpiness of the other day so I thought a nap would be in the best interest of all of us.
But I'm also feeling as though it would be a very good idea to do the dishes and straighten up the house, and perhaps even mop the floor so that we could head into this weekend with a good deal of order around us.
So I'm sitting at the computer doing neither.
But, on a postitive note, I finished the church newsletter today and went to church for about 2 1/2 hours. That was good for all of us.
And now I'll at least do the dishes and mop the kitchen floor. Then perhaps I'll take a little rest if the children remain asleep. First steps. There. That's part of the Friday Five.


  1. Thanks, April--maybe I can do something similar, though I probably won't post my link in the comments. Long, involved narrative...

  2. ((April))..here's to naps...

  3. April don't be so hard on yourself- life has seansons- and when children are young you need naps to keep going... my advice rest first- the household chores are always there- your chance to be a rested and positive mom is not!!!
    Peace and blessings be with you :-)

  4. thanks for being honest... but I bet you do have some good habits... actually it wasn't so easy for me to think of any either... and for walking... the dog makes me do it.

  5. Ah, April, I apologize for having brought up any negative gunk for you.

    Sally is right. There are seasons. Be gentle with yourself. That's a practice that most of us women could stand to make a habit out of!

  6. Those kind of days are very familiar to me. Be gentle with yourself.

  7. Oh, you all are so kind! Really, I'm fine. I cleaned the house and put on my happy face (a la Strictly Ballroom), the children slept and now I'm better. Really. But thank you all so much for your care. You are a dear, dear group of wonderful women.

    And reverendmother, I was teasing. I'm sorry. This was actually exactly what I needed today. I might have wallowed in my imaginary misery all day otherwise! So -- thank you!!


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