23 May 2007

Sooooo LOST

So I watched the season finale of LOST tonight. I just resent that show so much for sucking me in and not letting me go.


  1. I felt the same way about 24. They just have a way of making you stay tuned.

  2. i'll probably watch it tonight. was it that disappointing? i'm pretty sucked in too...

    finished alias, btw, wow. twas good.

  3. Oh, no no no.... It was great! Just completely totally complicating. Of course. Honestly, I haven't watched it a whole lot this season because when Lost is bad, it is SO darn frustrating! When it's good, the complications are enticing and enthralling. Last night was really good. And frustrating. In the good way.

  4. I'm with you! We had the finale taped, and just watched it... and now, months and months until its back. How did I get sucked in again??

    Oh yeah - Because I used to watch alias, and that was good.

  5. You're a Lost fan too? I've never missed a moment, and I love it!!!


Say what you will here...