13 May 2007

Mother's Day

It has been a lovely Mother's Day here. My sweet love took our daughter to get me a very sparkly card. Church went well. I didn't have to cook lunch. It's been very nice.
And I'm glad for it because yesterday I was a miserable parent. Terrible. Sinful. Perhaps unforgivable.
On days like that, I flee to Ann Voskamp's incredibly beautiful and moving site Holy Experience. Every time I enter her little haven on the web, I find God speaking grace to me in exactly the way I need. She is such an amazing gift. Yesterday words from this post and this prayer, both of which I had read a few months ago, spoke to me from the recesses of my brain in the midst of my parenting failures. I was so grateful to come to the computer later and find them and hear the promises Ann has found in the Word. And later in the day, this one had me weeping.
Thank you, Ann. And bless you. You help me to see Mother's Day and indeed every day as a little more holy.


  1. never unforgiveable. never.

    thanks for pointing to that beautiful blog. i'll frequent it now. thanks.

    glad it's been a good mother's day. you deserve it, dear!

  2. thanks for the reminder to that site, april! i have more days than not like yours. and it's other mommy bloggers (and sites like ann's) that keep me focused on what is good. and how we're forgiven. :)
    glad you had a good mother's day - what cutey kids you have - the pictures you posted earlier in the week are so adorable - look how big your little man is getting already!!!

  3. We are always forgiveable. Parenting is not easy. Glad it was a good mother's day. Thinking of you.


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