15 May 2007

More non-annoying music for kids

I wrote about how Annalivia is into the Andrews Sisters then thought I'd also share these other albums that I do not find annoying.

NO! by They Might Be Giants. I love this cd. I actually listened to it for a long time before Annalivia was interested. My favorite is "John Lee Supertaster" which is in a cool funk style, followed by "Clap Your Hands" followed "I am Not Your Broom". Though, wait, "Sleepwalkers" is good, too, and so is "The Edison Museum"....

Here Come the ABC's by They Might be Giants. I like this cd, though slightly less than NO! We also have the dvd and it's ok. Not great. There are a couple of songs on the dvd that are not on the cd like "The Alphabet Lost and Found" which is a very hip song. I can't listen to it now though without feeling a little sick since we listened to it when I was first pregnant with Daniel and a little queasy all the time.

Philadelphia Chickens by Sandra Boyton and Michael Ford. Annalivia's godmother, Trina, gave this to Annalivia for her birthday along with several other Boyton musicals. It is a book with an attached cd. Philadelphia Chickens is my favorite. Meryl Streep and Laura Linney sing hilarious songs, but my favorite is Kevin Kline singing "Busy, Busy, Busy" in the style of Gilbert and Sullivan.
ETA... I forgot to add Dog Train, the most recent Boyton/ Ford creation. Pretty good, too.

And, FYI -- personally, I am not a fan of Dan Zanes. I know lots of Gen X-ers like it, but me -- not so much. I gave our DZ albums away.

And, because I have time and inclination to keep typing, here is some other music that works for Annalivia but was created for adults...

Perfect Time and Whisper to the Wild Water by Maire Brennan -- these are Christian albums by Clannad front and big sister to Enya, Brennan. The Celtic instrumentation is enthralling to Annalivia. They are ethereal and beautiful and uplifting and energizing and also calming. Lovely.

Take this Moment by John Bell. We listen to this a lot at church or in the car. There are some great jubilant pieces that allow Annalivia to dance and there are many more contemplative pieces that allow Momma to think. I love how the words go through my head later in the day, "God's gospel of light shall keep you. God's gospel shall shelter you..."

Keur Moussa: Sacred Chant and African Rhythms from Senegal by the monks of Keur Moussa Abbey -- This is another we listen to at church. I picked this up at the Catholic Bookstore in Peoria, IL just on a whim and ended up with a great cd. It's perfect for when Annalivia wants to listen to something and also wants to play with other things while I'm at church. It is nice, calm music and sort of blends into the background.

Joko by Youssou N'Dour -- good African rhythms and a social conscience, though most of it is not in English. I like it, she likes it. We're both happy.

Graceland by Paul Simon -- again good rhythms and probably one of my all-time favorite albums ever. I love it, though I probably still don't understand it. I also love Rhythm of the Saints but I can't find it, otherwise we'd be listening to that, too.
Choralworks by Howard Goodall-- Goodall is probably best known for his "The Lord is My Shepherd" which he wrote for the British TV series, The Vicar of Dibley, one of the best comedies ever created which I hope American tv will never, ever steal. The setting of Psalm 23 is one of my all-time favorite pieces and is on this cd. There is also some beautiful, modern English choral music. We play this in the afternoon sometimes and Annalivia makes note of it only when Momma sings along.
A Vaughan Williams Hymnal performed by the Choir of Trinity College, Cambridge. This was last summer's high choral purchase. Annalivia sang along with it then and still does. It's a favorite morning selection around here when the Andrews Sisters seem a tad too peppy.

So what are you and yours (whomever that may be) listening to these days?


  1. Kids music-wise, my kids like Laurie Berkner. Adult music-wise, they love the Beatles and Sufjan Stevens.

    Sadly, they like the Psalty kids praise music. (Who the hell gave me this CD?) I like to pretend that the CD is missing, but they always seem to find it.

  2. My girls LOVE cast recordings from Broadway shows like Annie and The Sound of Music...they also love the soundtrack from The Music Man...and my 5 year old loves (and can sing many, many songs) from Dar Williams, The Indigo Girls, and Chris Collier---there's my little folk rocker!


  3. Although I don't have kids -- Justin Roberts does fanatastic children's stuff. In addition to several "secular" cds (with lots of grown up appeal) he has two bible storie cds -- quite theologically sound. I went to Div. School with Justin -- sat across the table from him in a class on Thomas Merton. Good stuff!


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