16 May 2007

Do Americans not have ears?

Ok. I am officially revealing myself as an American Idol viewer this season. So far, I've seen this season and season 1.

Tonight, Melinda Doolittle goes home with third place. She and Lakisha, who received fourth place were my favorites.

I understand how this little Blake guy can be in the competition, but HOW, HOW, HOW can this Jordin Sparks be a contestant still? She is consistently sharp and her voice is just grating.

And why do I care? Ugh.

1 comment:


    April watches American Idol! :) So do I, as you could guess. Clearly Melinda should have won. I like Blake, oddly, because I think he's got something creative that the others lack. But I hate Jordin. She's cute, she's 17 (as she constantly reminds the viewers), and she can't sing very well. My favorites were also Lakeisha and Melinda. Ah, well. Probably better off that Melinda didn't win--now she can start doing what she wants to do and won't have to do the "American Idol Winner" stuff for the next 2 years.


Say what you will here...