30 May 2007

Being a daughter of Clara

Every once in a while (and actually more often than that, if I'm honest) it occurs to me that it is just impossible to be a mother and a pastor at the same time.
But tonight I spent some time reading about Clara Babcock. Clara was the first officially ordained female minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) back in 1888 or 1889. But before her official ordination, she was an evangelist, speaker, and elder who baptized many individuals, according to our church records here at First Christian, Rock Falls. Rev. Babcock was an unflinching preacher and led many revivals around our area. She was not one to let much stand in her way. And there are stories told of her preaching and also rocking her child to sleep in a cradle set behind the pulpit.

Every once in a while (and more often than that) I am fairly convinced that it is impossible to mother and pastor at the same time.

But the 1,502 people Clara Babcock baptized during her life would probably tell me otherwise.


  1. That is really amazing. The part about rocking her baby to sleep while preaching. What a woman, eh?

    I'm not the minister - that's my guy...

    but - every time I am up front or have something I have to say - or even sing - I have a child on a hip and usually one clinging to my skirt or shirt.

    I'm amazed at how you handle it - April. :) Maybe you could preach with Daniel in an Ergo or something, and really impress everyone! :)(and even get a raise!)

  2. Thank you, Holly. I should look into this Ergo. After hauling Daniel around on my shoulder today (and consequently having to change two shirts due to spit-up) I am thinking that I need a better system.

    Perhaps the spit-up would inspire my people to think of my dry-cleaning bill though. :)


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