24 April 2007

Young Clergywoman Conference

A groundbreaking conference for clergywomen under the age of 40 is being planned at the Cathedral College of Preachers in Washington, DC from Aug. 6-10. The conference is a preaching conference open to ordained and lay women.
There is a SIGNIFICANT amount of grant money available. There is not, however, childcare arrangements, which limits the possibility of folks like myself being in attendance. While I'd like to post a whole rant about this, I recognize that this conference is in its infancy and can't be perfect right away. It does, however, look like a GREAT event, so please, if you have the time available, consider attending and applying for financial aid, if needed, RIGHT AWAY. (FYI -- grant money is based on your church's budget, not your personal finances.)
Go forth and preach the good word, sistahs!!

1 comment:

  1. There have been many times when I have wanted to attend conferences to find out that there was no childcare options available. It seems that with a conference for clergywomen, the hosts should be a little more aware that childcare will be needed.

    If you ever feel the need to post your rant, I will join you in ranting.


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