04 February 2007

Prayer coveter

Well, tomorrow, we go to the doctor and then, hopefully, up to the hospital to have this baby induced.
I confess, I'm a little nervous. Aside from the risks that childbirth carries for everyone, this weekend has been difficult. My blood pressure has been really pretty high especially if I'm doing anything other than reclining. I can actually feel my legs and thighs and upper arms and face swelling and my heart has been pounding in my neck. It's not fun.
And the closer we get to delivery, the more the Trisomy 18 possibility is looming in my thoughts. After our accident, we decided not to do the amnio. We've been getting twice weekly ultrasounds and the baby looks good and is active, but we have no conclusive evidence that all is well. Of course, I suppose no one ever has conclusive evidence that ALL is well, but I hope y'all know what I mean...

ANYWAY, all of this to say -- I would really appreciate prayers for peace and assurance, safety and stamina for all of us here. In some ways, I feel silly asking, because I know I already have them. But I am anyway. And I thank you!!


  1. Absolutely, dear, I'm praying for you and baby and your family. God IS with you all. ((((((((April))))))))

  2. Of course. I feel this scared every day, so I totally understand. I truly believe in my heart of hearts that everything will be fine and your little guy will be healthy. But you have our prayers, always. Say hi to Jimmy for me (if he even still remembers meeting me). How long is he staying for? Will he get to meet the baby?

  3. You are in my thoughts and prayers, April, especially for a safe delivery. Know that He is with you, and cares infinitately about every thing that happens to you. Bless you heaps!

    love, valerie

  4. Prayers and thoughts coming your family's way from frosty Derbyshire.

    Amalee x

  5. well wish everything will be just fine... God bless.... your blog is so interesting and peaceful... i would like to visit again... well u can drop by My Blog sometimes too... hope u will find it interesting...!!!

  6. April, I came over specifically to tell you that you were in my prayers today. I'll be eager to hear all about Sir Littler's arrival and see his wee picture. :)

  7. definitely praying! throughout the day...and tomorrow...and the next. :)
    and i DO understand your comment about not realling knowing.

  8. Lifting you and yours to the light. (((((April)))))

  9. Praying now and through out today (Monday).

  10. Praying for you too dear friend...

    *double, triple, huge hugs*

  11. Any news anyone?

    Amalee x

  12. "stalking" your blog for news...hope all is well. thinking of you all!!!

  13. Ditto - will keep checking in.

    Still praying~

  14. Liz, your comment really made me larf - here we all are, news-and-hope-stalkers everyone!

    amalee x

  15. Praying and waiting to hear!

    God bless,
    ~Leah in Alaska

  16. APRIL! What is going on??? hehe

    You should have at least made your sister write us a message so we could relax a little bit. :) Let us know as soon as you're home!


Say what you will here...