22 February 2007

Our big boy

We took Daniel to see his doctor today for his two-week visit. Two weeks. Jeez, time flies. Pretty soon, two years will have gone speeding past.
Anyway, Little D is not so little anymore. He weighed in at 7 lbs 12 oz, which is good, especially considering the fact that he is still not nursing. And he's a couple of inches longer -- 21 1/2 now.
The doctor also heard a heart murmur, so we are going to go see a pediatric cardiologist just to be sure all is well. I'm not worried, though Dennis is. Daniel had two fetal EKG's that showed no abnormalities and Dr. Provow didn't hear the murmur when she saw him last week, nor did the pediatrician who saw him after he was born. So, as Dennis said, he may not play football. As long as it doesn't interfere with his career as a piano, guitar and fiddle virtuoso, we'll be fine... :)


  1. Praying that all is well with Daniel's heart, April. And may all the fussy McStews be blessed with God's peace.

    (OK, now...this is not funny. I was forced to type "bumtx" for the verification. I happen to LIVE in TX, thankyaverymuch...) (grin)

  2. Say, I think I forgot to tell you that I tagged you for a meme, what with all your spare time and such...

    (evil grin)


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