01 February 2007

Monday, Monday

Monday is the day! We go to the doctor's at 9 a.m., and then (please, please, please, God) we go up to the hospital so I can be induced. Hopefully we'll see our baby boy's face sometime on Monday or Tuesday!
In the meantime, tomorrow Annalivia and I are going to go meet little Lirah and Sunday we will be watching the Bears win the Superbowl. So there are some distractions for us while we wait... not enough, but some...


  1. Oh my...I innocently hit the 'next blog' button and found a funny, spiritual, real person. Love your blog! Good luck with your baby boy...I'll be reading my way through your archives.

  2. Hooray! Blessings and may your boy arrive here healthy and soon!

  3. totally pulling for your Bears this sunday! :)
    prayer for your appointment on monday. so exciting!

  4. Congrats, Mama! Good luck with the delivery of your little guy! We love you and will be thinking of you all. :)

  5. Thank you, all! We appreciate your prayers and good wishes!

  6. OH DEAR.... And just what if the Bears DON'T win on Sunday? Does this mean Sir Littler isn't going to arrive on Mon?!! ;)

    I'm praying for your appt on Monday, but you can forget my prayers for Sunday!! ;)

  7. Uh, yeah... this baby's coming regardless. Now if I can just convince my OB of this point...

  8. Praying for Monday, Monday that it is so good to you.


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