02 February 2007

Fair warning

Just wanted to let y'all know that on July 21, I won't be home to calls, visits, or perhaps even, children and spouse. Please consider this to be fair warning.


  1. ooh... i know. we'll be on vacation and will buy it right away and will be reading it out loud. yes! good thing to fantasize about!

  2. we may need to buy two copies because my husband doesn't like it when I read over his shoulder or vice versa.

  3. duh . . .


    My baby might come then if I make it full term! I'm due the 22nd, so I'll have to read and hold him at the same time. :)

  4. When #6 came out, Annalivia was about 5 months old and I kept warning Dennis that she was going to be orphaned that day. I got up at 6 a.m. and went to Wal-Mart, got a copy, started reading in "the nursing chair" and did not move all day. And I remember being terribly annoyed when he'd come in and suggest that perhaps she needed to be fed. I finished sometime after midnight, I think. Then I re-read the rest of the books and had to go back and re-read #6 more carefully a couple days later with just a slight amount more attention to the needs of my husband and child. Just a bit.

    I'm not particularly proud of this track record, I'm just sayin'... I'd understand the ridiculous scenarios bandied about by the reporters this week of what will happen when THE HP book arrives. And Amy, if you would have the baby early or late just by sheer force of will, I won't judge... :)


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