24 January 2007

Some needed prayers

In the wee hours of the morning, I'd like to request some prayers for some dear ones who have been on my heart....
  • My good friend from college, Amy, and her husband, Jim, are expecting their second child. Their first son was born in July very prematurely and did not survive. Tomorrow Amy will have a cerclage -- a surgical procedure where her cervix will be closed. I'm praying for peace for Amy and Jim and protection for Amy and the little one. They are understandably very nervous.
  • Crystal, an internet friend (though it seems like she's much more than that), and her family have received word that her daughter, Emily, who has been combatting thyroid cancer, will have to undergo further radiation and treatment. Little Emily and her family have handled this situation with such grace -- it's a true inspiration. I am praying for healing for Emily and assurance and even more love for this family who has touched so many of us.
  • Several years ago, Cathy, the niece of a church member, began attending church after she found herself pregnant and was thus deserted by her boyfriend of almost 10 years. She moved in with her aunt, who is just one of the most wonderful people I've ever met and came to church almost every week and we all watched her get ready for the baby. She gave birth to her son, Reese, the week before Dennis and I got married in July 2003 and then moved back home to be near her parents in Iowa. Today we found out that Cathy, who is just 37, had to have triple bypass surgery. She went to the hospital with chest pains and they tried to do a stint and her artery collapsed. The surgery went ok, but she apparently has veins and arteries that are abnormally thin. Several women in her extended family have died very young and her own mother suffered a stroke at 48, but no one knew that this was the problem. Tonight Cathy is in ICU and her parents are caring for her son. I don't think this family has a church family to support them and they are 3 hours away from us. I'm praying that they are finding tangible support from friends and family and know God's peace and assurance of how much God loves Cathy and little Reese. And I'm praying for miraculous healing.
Again, if any of you are able, please consider lifting these folks up in prayer. Thank you!


  1. I'm praying for them all, April. Thanks so much for letting folks know of the needs. And you know you and your family remain in my prayers as well.

  2. And *I* woke up early this morning, praying for you! God is good - He keeps us all on our knees for one another.

  3. Thank you {{{friend}}}, just thank you!! *HUGS*


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