06 January 2007

Marketing failure

This afternoon, we needed some basics to put us in the position to complete the nursery project so after the Bug woke up from her nap, all of us took a trip out to Menards.
We started by looking for a light fixture. Annalivia was helping us push the cart, rather than riding in it, and was doing a good job of standing right by us as we headed down an aisle of light covers. As Dennis and I looked at some standard frosted glass light covers, our daughter still standing right next to us, we heard the exclamation, "BALL!!" followed immediately by shattering glass.
Turns out that the brilliant marketers at Menards had some soccer ball-shaped globe light covers on a bottom shelf where little eyes could easily see them. Annalivia's little eyes saw them and thinking them to be actual soccer balls had grabbed one and slammed it into the floor using both hands.
It didn't bounce.
But that marketing scheme sure did work!

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