09 January 2007

So close, and yet so far...

Great link to an article on growing churches here.
My sister, Roo, referred me to this after playing the hand drum at my church on Christmas eve where there were a whopping two ethnic minorities in attendance and her sister, the pastor, had to forcibly not look at her other sisters when the teenage reader talked about the magi paying "home-age" to the baby Jesus as we are from one of the most irreverent families God has ever created, but...um... 60% men we just DO NOT have.
Oh well.


  1. Don't forget about the aid-er.

  2. I was busy trying to get the Holy Spirit to converge in my womb.Totally forgot the aid-er. Darn it.

  3. I posted this too. So did the bongos help? Or does that have to be an every Sunday thing?

    irrevently rev abi


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