22 January 2007

Hanging out with my homeboy

Today I went to the OB just like I do every Monday. And Thursday. And some Fridays. And Sundays.
Anyway -- went to the OB today at week 36 and my blood pressure was miraculously down, the baby performed beautifully on the non-stress test and got an 8 out of 8 on his biophysical profile, and my 24 hour urine test results were perfect. All of which is great!
And all of which led my OB to say, "You know, if we can get you to 38 weeks, that would be great."
Now, please, don't get me wrong-- I'm VERY thankful that my little boy is ok and that I'm ok and that the only thing wrong is that I am a little anemic and thus have to take some iron supplement, and perhaps only mothers who have borne children into their 9th month will understand this when I say that I'm a little disappointed that she's contemplating abandoning the 37 week plan. I'm just sayin' -- it was kind of exciting to think that I only had a week or so left to be poked, prodded, pummelled and provoked by the potent combination of gestational diabetes, the attendant high blood pressure, an extremely cautious physician and a very active baby. I can, of course, deal with it for as long as necessary. It's just that my homeboy and I get to hang a little longer than I was expecting and, well, I AM God's most impatient person, after all...
But, hey -- all is well! And that's very good news.


  1. No,no, not me...(whistling...) I wasn't hanging around here looking for baby news or anything...


    I'm so glad things are going well. There have been lots of prayers for this little man.

    I have friends who routinely go two weeks over. Can you imagine? That's like an extra month!

  2. Aww, April, how exciting! Not long to go! I'm glad all is well. You never know - he might decide to come out on his own....

  3. Oh my goodness, I CAN'T imagine an extra month! Wow.
    Thanks to you both, friends, for stopping by and for the prayers that both lead and follow you!

  4. Just be patient, dear. :) The extra month will only do him good. You're lucky to have even made it this far, so keep him in there as long as you can. Also, thank you so much for your prayers, and those of your readers/friends here. It really means a lot to us.

    Love you!



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