16 January 2007

Favorite Annalivia words

I love the way language is forming in Annalivia's mind and in her mouth. When she talks about her toes, she always says, "Toe-eees" in this great sing-song voice. For "baby" she says, "meme," which, incidentally, is the same word for "pee-pee."
My favorite though is her word for "turtle" which consists of her sticking her tongue out of her mouth and making an "mwanle, mwanle, mwanle" sound (are you all trying it?). It IS kind of funny word when you think about it, you know...


  1. hey friend!
    found your blog from jimmy's blog...i've got a site but no words yet...ya'll are inspiring me.

    cute picture! need more!

    miss you....

  2. OH MY GOSH, LAURA!!! It's so good to see you!! Send me your info when you have a chance, will ya?
    Much love!!

  3. They are so sweet as they grow, aren't they?
    Praying for you as your birth time grows close, April.

  4. Awwwwww....Madison is talking so much too right now and it is soooo cute how they use their words!

    Just wait until your 9 year old son uses his words to tell you you have yellow teeth though! That's not so cute, lol!! He JUST told me that right before I read your post!!

  5. Oh now this is great. I understood the sticking the tongue out, but I just could not quite accomplish saying the word.

    I love it. Keep it up.

  6. No matter how hard I try, I cannot say that turtle word thingie. It made me really mad, because usually I can picture/hear these things in my head, but I couldn't this time. :( Ah, well.


Say what you will here...